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A Game Show Legacy

Jean-Pierre Foucault Bids Farewell to "Qui veut gagner des millions"

After 23 years at the helm of the popular French game show "Qui veut gagner des millions", Jean-Pierre Foucault has announced his departure.

A Game Show Legacy

Foucault has been the face of the show since its inception in France in 2000, becoming synonymous with its iconic catchphrases and nerve-wracking moments.

Over the years, Foucault has guided countless contestants through the show's increasingly challenging questions, sharing in their joys and disappointments. His warm and engaging personality has made him a beloved figure in French television.

A Fond Farewell

Foucault's decision to leave the show comes after careful consideration. At 76 years old, he feels it is time for a new chapter in his life.

"It's a difficult decision, but it's the right one," Foucault said in a statement. "I've had an incredible journey with 'Qui veut gagner des millions', but now it's time for me to pass the torch to someone else."

Foucault's final episode will air on Saturday, December 16, 2023. His successor has yet to be announced.
